Aloe vera barbadensis

Aloe vera barbadensis

Plant Description

Aloe looks like a cactus, but is actually a member of the lily family, a tender tropical, native to Africa.
Plant Class: Tender evergreen perennial. Species very greatly in size.
Flowers/Fruit/Seeds: Tubular yellow flowers
Parts used: Gel, juice
Leaves: Thick, spiky foliage, gray-green, some with patterns
Flowering Season:Summer
Distribution: Native to southern Africa, Arabia, and the Cape Verda Islands. Can be grown as a garden plant in warm climates, or a sheltered house plant.

Regional Traditions : African * Ayurvedic *

How to Grow Aloe
You can grow aloe as a houseplant, in fact is it wise to do so. Not only does an aloe plant provide quick relief from a burn or scald, the potted plants have been shown to remove formaldehyde from tainted indoor air.

Related Species Aloe ferox, indigenous to South Africa's Western Cape, used in the same manner as aloe vera
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

Medicinal Uses: * Acne * African * Ayurvedic * Beauty * Burns * Constipation * Cuts & Wounds * Dental/Oral Care * Facial Care * Insect/flea Bites * Pet * Skin Care * Sunburns * Wrinkles

Properties: * Analgesic * Anti-inflammatory * Antibacterial * Antifungal * AntiViral * Cathartic * Depurative * Emollient
Parts Used: Juice of the inner leaf
Constituents: amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, hormones, lignin, minerals
  • Aloe gel skin care: Aloe vera gel is an indispensable part of your herbal dispensary. The leaf juices of the aloe plant have important medicinal uses making aloe one of the most respected medicinal plants found in many gels, creams and lotions. Modern researchers have identified several reasons why aloe gel spurs wound healing: It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds that help prevent wound infections. It also has immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory compounds, and it stimulates collagen synthesis and skin regeneration after a burn. Aloe gel contains vitamins C and E, plus the mineral zinc. Aloe vera gel is soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial - helps healacne, improve the appearance of wrinkles, and hydrate damaged skin. Applying a thin layer of aloe vera gel will help ease discomfort caused by painful skin irritations, and acne. 6

    Aloe Juice Uses and Side Effects: Aloe juice is also thought to improve digestion and cleanse the digestive tract. Many believe that aloe juice stimulates insulin production and prevents high triglycerides. Aloe juice has a long history of use for diabetes that has recently show promise in studies, but keep in mind that these internal uses of aloe have much less of a proven basis in scientific fact than the external use in gel form. Make sure that any Aloe juice products you consume have not be sourced from outer leaves which can contain dangerous chemicals. 3,4,5

    Aloes is the term used for the evaporated liquid exuded from the cut leaf bases of Aloe ferox, the Cape Aloe, and Aloe vulgaris from North Africa. Strong doses have a drastic effect and should never be given during pregnancy. The use of Aloes in herbal medicine is limited due to these side effects and the wide availability of safer alternatives. (Weiss, Rudolf Fritz M.D.)

    Aloe vera gel for Pet care : Aloe will bring cooling relief to fleabites, reducing itching and scratching and is safe to use on dogs and cats. It also has immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory compounds. Acemannan, a chemical compound found in Aloe Vera as a powerful immunostimulant in animals, particularly in cats. 2

    Preparation Methods & Dosage :The freshest aloe is of course, from your own plant. Apply aloe gel directly to skin for cooling relief to dry, itchy skin, minor burns and rashes. Commercial aloe skin care products (containing stabilized aloe) rarely, if ever, pack the therapeutic punch of fresh aloe because they no longer contain any tannins, and are mostly adulterated with alcohol. You can also incorporate aloe in homemade lotions, and use it as a carrier for essential oils. Add a few drops of Chamomile and/or Lavender oil for burns and scalds.

  • Aloe Remedies

    Ayurvedic Medicine Called kumari meaning virgin, aloe is used internally in Ayurveda to restore youthful vitality and as a female tonic.

    Aloe Side Effects: Drug aloes is a strong purgative that should be used very cautiously and not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing. Aloe bitters and aloe juice should not be taken internally during pregnancy. The laxative compounds in aloe are passed into mother's milk, so nursing mothers should avoid internal use of aloe.4
Forever Aloe Vera Gels هلام الألوة فيرا Алоэ вера гель 芦荟凝胶 알로에 베라 겔 アロエベラゲル एलोवेरा जेल مسببر ویرا جیل ژل آلوئه ورا ג'ל אלוורה Gel Вера Aloe Aloe vera jel Aloë vera gel ជែលនេះ aloe vera 알로에 베라 겔 Gel d'Aloe vera El gel de aloe vera Chirurgie plastique, Iggy Azalea, Rhinoplastie Comté de Calhoun Dangerous giant hogweed found in Michigan Plant that can blind you found in Michigan Vaccination, Maladie à virus Ebola Cellule souche stem cell

Sciatica - عرق النسا

التهاب المفاصل- البرودة - عرق النسا - بوزلوم - سياتيك - Sciatica

إدهن العضو المصاب بخليط من الزنجبيل و الصبر = ألوي فيرا

Rub the affected organ with a mixture of ginger and aloe vera

Get rid of the fat buttocks

The accumulation of fat in the buttocks area is one of the problems experienced by many people, and this problem frequently spread among women, followed abound therapeutic ways to get rid of the accumulated fat in the buttocks area was both a physical exercise or cosmetic surgery or follow the natural recipes

And we will address here to talk about ways to get rid of the accumulated fat in the buttocks area

Get rid of the buttocks

_ Orange peels from more treatments are considered to get rid of the problem of the accumulation of fat in the buttocks area, and by taking orange peel and work on shredded (cut) well with power or you can do Berchha (rubbed) and dealt with the power shortly before the feeling of eating a meal satiety and not having to eat large amounts of food and reduce the accumulated fat in the buttocks area.

_ Not to resort to sleep after eating process directly, but on the contrary, you have to sleep immediately after eating makes your body stores fat in the buttocks and the accumulation area, because here remember the words of the prophet Ali may Allah be pleased with him to talk about moving away from sleep immediately after eating ; he says: "Son if you want to be the healthiest people in three Valtzm: Sign of the food and you heart desires, not nearly so heart desires food, and introduce yourself to the toilet before you sleep, do not never come to you doctor."

_ Stay away from sitting for long periods on the bench, this makes the fat stored in the buttocks area and make it a difficult process to get rid of them.

_ Work on the disposal of waste accumulated inside the abdomen, they are one of the factors contributing to the accumulation of fat in the body, including the buttocks and it increases the size of the backlog of the region.

_ Exercise on a daily basis to facilitate the process of getting rid of body fat, especially in the buttocks area.

_ Working to stop eating any kind of food do before exercising an hour or two hours and after exercise an hour or two hours, it prevents the accumulation of fat in the buttocks area.

_ Full stop eating food containing high levels of fat in it cause the accumulation of fat and difficulty burned completely and fast process.

_ Not to drink large amounts of beverages containing gases are causing the accumulation of fat in the buttocks area.

_ Must work to reduce the intake of sweets containing high percentages of sugars that cause the accumulation of fat in the buttocks

_ Work to quit completely from eating what pans content of oils and starches, causing the accumulation of fat in the buttocks area.

_ Work on the replacement of the elevator or climb down the stairs It helps to move all muscles of the body and rid it of, especially in the buttocks area accumulated fat

_ Must exercise on a flat surface, preferably on the ground, work on the practice of abdominal exercises and then lie down on the back and switch the feet movements Kkiemk led bike.

_ Exercise exercise pressure is the most effective exercises to get rid of fat buttocks.

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine

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