
* Common Names
Calendula , Pot marigold

* Botanical Name
Calendula officinalis

* Family

* Plant Description
Calendula officinalis

The flowers are the part used in herbal medicine. Calendula bears many

-petaled orange or yellow flowering heads two to three inches (four to seven centimeters) in diameter.

Plant type:
annual or biennial

The oblong green leaves help to distinquish calendula from tagetes marigolds, an unrelated species

Flowering Season:
Begins in June. Its name refers to its tendency to bear flowers by the calendar, once a month in warm climates, usually during the new moon. "Marigold" refers to the Virgin Mary, and marigolds are traditionally used in Catholic celebrations concerning the Virgin Mary.

Native to the Mediterranean, grown widely as a garden flower, culitivated for use in herbal medicine.

Regional Traditions : 


* How to Grow Calendula
Calendula is easy to grow and deserves a place in your flower, vegetable, and/or herb garden. Sow seeds directly when the soil temp reaches about 60 degrees in the spring. You will be rewarded with masses of bright green foliage and sunny, yellow blooms. Harvest the flowers when they are newly opened. Pluck the petals from the dried flower heads and store in dark-colored glass jars to preserve the medicinal properties.

* History and Traditions & Folklore
Calendula was attributed many fantastic virtues by the older herbalists. The salve, preferably cooked in goats lard, was used for burns, bruises and sunburns like it is today. (Minus the goats) During the American Civil War, calendula petals were used to staunch wounds. Marigolds are called after the Virgin Mary. In Macer's Herbal it is stated that only to look on Marigolds will draw evil humours out and strengthen the eyesight. Calendula, called "Marygold" or "sunbride" in the Middle Ages, was sacred to the Norse goddess Freya and was used for love magic.

* Common Uses:
Abrasions/Cuts - Acne - Culinary - Eye care - Vision - Insect Bites/Rashes

* Properties: 
Analgesic- Anti-inflammatory- Antibacterial- Antifungal- Antiscrofulous- Astringent- Cancer- Cholagogue- Depurative- Diaphoretic- Emmenagogue- Febrifuge- Vulnerary

* Parts Used:
flowers and oil

* Constituents:
carotenoids, resin, essential oil, flavonoids, sterol, bitter principle, saponins, mucilage

* See Also:
Chamomile Flower -Dandelion Root -Elecampane -Immortelle Oil -Safflower Oil

* Calendula Uses & Benefits : Natural Skin Care

Calendual Skin Care The deep orange and yellow flowers of Calendula officinalis hold the medicinal properties that make Calendula one of the most loved flowers in herbal skin care. Calendula petals yield a fixed oil that is beneficial for many types of skin problems, and mild enough to use in almost any situation.Home Remedies for First Aid Calendula oils, creams and salves make it a particularly good treatment for cuts, scrapes, bruises, and minor wounds. It is an excellent idea to keep calendula treatments handy for Dr. Mom's first aid kit.

* Other great benefits of calendula : 

Calendual flowers are anti-bacterial and a tea infusion of the fresh petals is useful as an eyewash for conjunctivitis (pink eye). Calendula tinctures and teas can also calm stomach upsets, reducing inflammation and yeast overgrowths that can be root causes of food allergies, gastritis and and irritable bowel problems

* Calendula How to Use
Calendua Flower - for : Wasp or Bee stings

Marigold (calendula) rubbed on the affected part, is an admirable 
remedy for the pain and swelling of the sting of wasp or bee.

Calendua flower lotion - for : Sprains, abrasions
A lotion made from the flowers is most useful for sprains and wounds, and a water distilled from them is good for inflamed and sore eyes.

Calendula Cream - for : Acne, antibacterial
Calendula's orange petals are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, properties that can relieve acne.

Calendula oil - for : Heal skin, stop bleeding
Anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic, calendula promotes new skin growth and inhibits bleeding.

Calendula tea - for : Thrush, conjunctivitis
A compress is useful to treat varicose veins and chilblains, while a cold infusion may be used as an eyewash for conjunctivitis. Marigolds are also antifungal and so can help to cure thrush (Candida albicans)

Calendula tea - for : Conjunctivitis,Fevers - Fevers
An infusion of calendula flower petals has been used to for treating conjunctivitis and other eye infections. A tea made from fresh blossoms can be taken to break a fever by inducing perspiration.

Calendula tincture - for : Gums

Calendula benefits gums with its antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immune-stimulating compounds. Typical Dosage: apply tincture to the affected area up to three times daily

* In the Kitchen: 
The bright calendula florets give color and nutritional value to soups and salads. Dried calendula blossoms are also an economical substitute for saffron to color rice. Pull petals off before using in dishes, do not eat calyx or flower centers.

* How to Use: Calendula
Preparation Methods & Dosage :
Calendula can be taken as an herbal tea, used as a tincture, and applied as a poultice. Calendula oil is used as a base for salves and ointments. Combines well with comfrey and St. John's wort for skin healing. 

* Remedies using : Calendula
+ Quick Tips
A lotion made from one cup of fresh calendula blossoms simmered in two cups of milk is an excellent wash for the complexion. For a sore throat or indigestion, drink calendula tea or use it to gargle, for scrapes and bruises apply the tea directly to your skin

+ Calendula extract

(Calendula officinalis) Extracted from: Fresh flower Ratio: 1:2

+ Calendula Herbal Oil

Gentle, cooling, and soothing. Calendula oil is the most successful oil for assisting us with dry and damaged skin, skin inflammations, rashes, diaper irritations, and other skin disorders.

Certified organic Calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis), infused in certified organic Olive Oil and a pinch of Vitamin E oil.

+ Fairytale Tea

A delicious drink for children and adults. A delightful and inspiring infusion blend full of flowers & fairy magic; perfect for bedtime stories. All organic.
Calendula flowers, Red Clover flowers Lavender flowers,Chamomile flowers,Lemon Balm, Catnip, Spearmint, Skullcap, Thyme, Oatstraw,Lemon peel and a pinch of Stevia.

+ Calendula Flowers

Calendula officinalis Origin- USA Biodynamic Certified

+ Restorative Skin Oil

Previously known as Secret Skin Oil this is currently the much revered formula for dry and mature skin.

Organic Calendula oil, organic Rosehip seed oil, Vitamin E, and a blend of pure essential oils including Neroli and Helichrysum.

+ Aches & Pains Massage Oil
A deeply penetrating and soothing herbal oil for aches and pains, and relief from fatigue and stiffness, with just the right ingredients to add a slightly euphoric aroma.
Organic Calendula flowers infused with organic Olive oil, organic Jojoba oil, organic Sweet Almond oil, Vitamin E oil, and a blend of pure essential oils.

Banana (Musa Paradisiaca)

The banana, a plant originating in South Africa, is considered to have been the first fruit to appear on the Earth, having been mentioned in writings that date back to the beginning of mankind. Today it is the favorite fruit of many people, being rich in vitamins and minerals.


   The banana plant is a herbaceous plant of the family Musaceae, which because of its size and structure, is on many occasions confused with a tree. The plant is grown for its fruit, being of southeastern Asian origin.

   Bananas that are destined for human consumption do not contain seeds. The plant produces two stems at the same time: a bigger one for the immediate obtaining of the fruit, and a smaller one, which produces the fruit 6-8 months later. The lifespan of a banana plant plantation is at least 25 years.


   Bananas are true sources of energy. A banana contains potassium, proteins, fibers, carbohydrates and an association of vitamins: A, B, B6, C and E; it is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and folic acid. These facts being taken into consideration, the banana is one of the healthiest fruits. It also contains serotonin or the substance of happiness, having an anti-stress role.

   Other properties of bananas: especially helpful in anti-fat treatments, being very dense, it offers a sensation of satisfaction.


   Being rich in iron, the bananas stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood, thus helping in cases of anemia. Because of its high potassium, but low salt content, it is indicated for those having problems with arterial pressure.

   Being an aliment that is rich in fibers, the banana helps with constipation, through the regaining of the intestines' normal activity. Containing a type of protein, which the body transforms into serotonin, the fruit is indicated in treatments against depression, leading to an improved affective state. The banana is also indicated for calming of nerves, being used in treatments for the regulating of intestinal traffic. Having a fine and soft texture, it is also used in treating ulcer.

   The fruit has the power of growing its concentration capacity. The potassium contained in bananas helps regulating heartbeats, brings oxygen to the brain and maintains the water quantity in the body at a constant level.

   At moments of stress, the metabolism is accelerated and the level of potassium decreases, a situation in which the consumption of bananas is recommended.

   The fruit is also useful against smoking, helping the body regenerate after the effects of lack of nicotine.

   Many cultures see the banana as a refreshing fruit, which can decrease the physical and emotional temperature of pregnant women.

   Against hangovers, a milkshake can be prepared, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the body and rebuilds the sugar level in the body, while the milk calms and hydrates the body.

   Mosquito bites can be treated if the affected area is rubbed with the interior part of a banana peal. Bananas are used in cosmetics for treating dried complexions, limp skin and itches. In cases of solar burns or numbness from cold, a crushed banana can be applied on the face to calm pain and reduce inflammations.



   It is recommended that bananas be consumed when they have only a few spots of brownish color because that is when it is richest in minerals and vitamins.

   Creams based on bananas, used in cosmetics for treating dried complexions, are prepared from crushed bananas, a teaspoon of liquid honey is added and the mixture is stirred well. It is applied on the face under the form of a mask. It is kept that way for 15 minutes, and then washed away with mineral water. Another mask against itching is prepared of a crushed banana mixed with yogurt. It is applied on the face and kept for ten minutes before washing it away.

   Facial lotion, for dried complexions is obtained like this: a very ripe banana is taken, crushed in the mixer, added to a glass of milk and a teaspoon of olive or sweet almond oil.


   In the moment of the fruit's consumption, its color has to be taken into account. It shouldn�t be eaten while it is of a pale yellow or green color because at such a time it contains starch, which is hard to digest.

   Being rich in calories, it is recommended that those who are holding anti-fat treatments and who suffer from diabetes consume it moderately. It is not indicated for use in a severe anti-cholesterol diet. Bananas do not bear temperatures lower than 12 degrees and they should never be kept in refrigerators. 

Rosemary herb

Description of Rosemary herb

Rosmarinus officinalis is known from ancient times as having many uses as a medicinal, ritual and seasoning herb. In those times it used to be consumed for relieving abdominal pain, gout, icterus, insomnia, cephalagia, for the calming of nerves etc. In Ancient Greece, people burned rosemary branches on the altars of the gods, considering it a sacred herb. However, the Greeks were not the only ones; the plant was also sacred for the Romans (those who gave it its name) and Egyptians (the evidence to that was finding traces of rosemary in the pharaohs' tombs.) The custom of burning rosemary branches has become a practice in hospitals in France - where it has been maintained until the 20th century - and used for cleaning the air. Also because of its antiseptic effect, the plant was appreciated and used for conserving meat, even in extremely hot weather - it was known that rosemary prevents and delays the alteration of meat foods.
rosemary plantThe name "Rosemary" originates from the Latin words "ros", meaning "dew" and "marinus" meaning "sea". Originating in areas of Mediterranean coastlines, but also Uruguay, the plant has become a shrub which has spread very fast in the entire Europe, North America and Mexico.

Being a perennial, woody plant, it belongs to the Laminaceae family. This Mediterranean shrub with a pleasant flavor, ramified and displaying small, needle shaped evergreen leafs, with flowers of various colors (from white, pink, red, to purple and blue), has a medium height of 20-50 cm and can reach 150 cm in conditions of optimal heat and humidity.

Properties and benefits of Rosemary

Among the main properties of rosemary we can enumerate: analgesic, antiseptic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiviral, aphrodisiac, disinfectant. Its active elements have choleric, antiseptic, diuretic and tonic aspects at a nervous level, stimulating bile secretion and eliminating it in the intestines, destroying microorganisms, increasing the quantity of eliminated urine, improving the blood flow and refreshing and energizing the mind. Apart from this, scientific researches indicate that rosemary is an ideal memory stimulant for both adults and students. Rosemary contains a series of secondary elements such as carnosol and carnosic acid, with a reflecting action in case of free radicals. Rosemary also has calming effects by working against fatigue, sadness, anxiety, calming muscle soreness, digestive pains and also, indigestion caused by stress.
rosemaryIn aromatherapy it is appreciated for bringing youth, protection, love, optimism, vitality health and a restful sleep.

Treatments and mixtures

Rosemary can be consumed under the forms of tea, tincture, capsules or ethereal oils. Rosemary consumption improves digestion, fights against obesity, liver diseases, gastritis, cholesterolemia, bronchic asthma, edemas, and adjusts fast heart beats caused especially by irritability, coffee or tobacco excess. Because of its antiseptic and tonic properties, rosemary is extremely beneficial in cases of fainting, influenza, hangovers, asthma, bronchitis, cramps, constipation, cystitis, headaches, polypus, colds, cough, sinusitis or muscular pains. The plant also has a good influence on the blood circulation and blood pressure.

As a natural fortifier, rosemary is extremely efficient during convalescence because it increases energy and optimism, also being recommended in cases of asthenia. For long term periods it fortifies and revitalizes the body.

Rosemary tincture

Indicated in cases of indigestion, diabetes, vomit, stomachal atony, colics, liver congestion, icterus, chronic and painful inflammations of the biliary bladder, high cholesterol, insomnia, dizziness, headaches, irritability, depressive states, convalescence, weak memory, asthenia, palpitations, asthma, and convulsive cough. Two teaspoons of tincture, diluted in a cup of water, are administered before main meals. Rosemary tincture is also used for sprains, swelling (articular or ankle swelling), rheumatism and torticolis. For this, a teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 100 ml of water and administered three to four times a day.

Rosemary essential oil

The essential rosemary oil is a main ingredient in the industry of cosmetic products because of its analgesic, aromatizing, anti-inflammatory, peripheral blood circulation stimulating, antimicrobial and hair fall preventing action. Adding a few drops in a votive light or in the bath water, the essential rosemary oil is adequate for states of anxiety, headaches, debility, and weakness. It acts through unblocking the interior energies and in aromatherapy it is believed to help improve relationships with others.


They are recommended in biliary dyskinesia, renal and rheumatic diseases, physical and intellectual overwork. Taken as a phytotherapic supplement (a capsule taken three times a day before the main meals) is efficient in abdominal diseases, anemia, rheumatism, coughs and minor cardiac disturbances.


Consumption during pregnancy or in cases of epilepsy or hypersensitivity should be avoided.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera health benefits

Also called "the elixir of youth" by the Russians,"the herb of immortality"by the old Egyptians or the "harmonious remedy" by the Chinese, Aloe verais without a doubt the medicinal herb most widely known for its noticeable impacts on health and at the same time the ingredient most widely used in the cosmetic industry. Not one study conducted so far was fully able to explain the wonders which lie within this herb and how its compounds work together in a miraculous way to bring about the treatment or the alleviation of some of the most serious illnesses like cancer or AIDS.


Aloe vera or "Aloe Barbadensis" is a plant which originated in North Africa and spread to the fertile lands with mild climate. Its physical aspect is similar to that of the cactus; the thick rind hides a succulent core formed mostly of water.

The aforementioned herb gained worldwide recognition and has been intensively used from the oldest of times due to its extraordinary features. A clear proof of this fact is a clay plank found in the antic city of Nippur, Babilon (the Irak from today) dating from year 2200 b.c. From Greek physicians like Celsius and Dioscorides to Romanians (Pylni the Great) and Arabs (Al-Kindi) to C.E. Collins, the one who published the first modern medical thesis in United States (1934), "aloe vera" has always been an issue with a long history behind it. Just about every important civilization used it for its benefical effects over health and beauty. Egyptians would mix aloe with other herbs while preparing remedies for internal and external anomalies. After the Second World War, aloe vera was introduced in treating the victims of the catastrophies from Nagasaki and Hiroshima because of its ability of mitigating the pain of the patients and renewing skin tissues.

Proprieties of aloe vera

The most oftenly used substance from this herb is the aloe gel, a thick viscid liquid found in the interior of the leaves. The leaves are used in the treatment of burns and the aloine - a bitter milky yellowish liquid is used as a laxative. The herb contains: 20 minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Chromium , Selenium), 12 vitamins (A, B, C, E, folic acid), 20 aminoacids from the 22 which are necessary to the human body, over 200 active components including enzymes and polysaccharides. All the active substances enumerated before contribute to the therapeutical value of the herb. We shall move on to presenting the main effects that the herb has over the human body: it toughens up the immune system owing to the 23 peptides contained by the aloe vera, it accelerates and regulates the methabolism, purifies the human body from toxins, bringing about a feeling of calm. Moreover, aloe vera has an antiseptic effect (by distroying the bacterias, viruses and fungi), disinfectant capabilities and can also stimulate the cell-renewing process. Aloe vera nourishes and supports the digesting of aliments. Cutting across the human organism, aloe vera manages to bring the human body to a general balanced state.


Aloe vera has proved its efficiency from the simplest allergies to the treatment of wounds and skin infections and even to its usage in alleviating more serious afflictions. With the help of this herb a wide variety of internal and external afflictions are controlled, like: asthma, virosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gingivitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, intestinal inflamations, constipations, obesity, sprains, muscle strains, cutaneous inflamations. The efficiency of the herb was also proven in the cases of anemia, deficiency illnesses, insomnia and depressions and the B-sisterole from the Aloe vera brings about the lowering of the cholesterol level. Also, this herb is used for controlling the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, diabetes, hepatitis and pancreatitis and multiple sclerosis.


A wide array of products with curative and therapeutic effects is obtained from aloe vera. This herb is one of the main attractions of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and also the most widely used ingredient - starting from vitamins and laxatives to face creams and body care lotions. Aloe vera gel contains B-sisterole, powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cholesterol formulas and lupeol - a strong antiseptic tranquilizer. The aloe-based lotions and gels are used as protections against the powerful sunlight and as a remedy against sunburns. Ointments having aloe as a main ingredient moist the skin and protect it against bug stings and scratches. Furthermore, the aloe-based ointment is efficient in treating acne. Owing to its proprieties, Aloe vera was incorporated in the composition of deodorants.

What should be noted is the fact that this herb can be also administrated internally due to its high nourishing influence. When mixed with other fruits, aloe vera can be ingested as an excellent natural beverage rich in vitamins and minerals. Also, it is recommended that it is ingested during travels to prevent dehydration.

Cultivation of aloe vera

Because it is not a pretentious herb, aloe vera can be easily tended for. This herb requires a great amount of light (even if it is artificial - 16 hours a day) and a little bit of water (especially in the cold season).

Remedies for Obesity-2

Natural remedies for obesity

   Obesity is a physical condition in which a person carries excessive body fat. In other words, if a person is having a weight more than 20% above what is considered normal as per his body mass index, which is calculated from his age, height, and weight, is considered as obese. An obese person carries the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Symptoms of Obesity

Following are the major obesity symptoms:

1. Excessive sweating with bad smell
2. Feeling fatigue without doing any work
3. Excessive hunger and thirst
4. Feeling of weakness and depression
5. Breathlessness on slight physical work
6. Excess body fat

Causes of Obesity

Following are the major obesity causes:
1. Overeating
2. Lack of physical work
3. Genetic or hereditary factors
4. Side effects of some medicines
5. Insufficient sleep
6. Stressful and busy lifestyle

Complications of Obesity

1. High blood pressure
2. High cholesterol
3. Type 2 diabetes
4. Stroke
5. Gallbladder disease
6. Osteoarthritis
7. Heartburn
8. Snoring
9. Shortness of breath
10. Depression

Natural Home Remedies for Obesity

Following are some of the effective home remedies for obesity:

1. Take one glass of warm water with juice of half a lime and 1 tsp honey as the first thing in the morning. It is very effective home remedy for obesity.
2. Add 3 tsps lime juice with 1/2 tsp pepper powder and some honey in 1 cup water. Drink it for 3-4 months. It is also good natural remedy for obesity.
3. Soak some leaves of jujube (Indian plum) overnight in water. Drink it in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. It is very beneficial in the treatment of obesity.
4. Include cabbage salad in your meal. It is an excellent home remedy for obesity.
5. Eat one or two ripe tomatoes taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast. It is also a good treatment for obesity.

Obesity Treatment and Advice

1. Avoid oily food and sweets
2. Do exercises and physical activities
3. Include more roughage in your diet
4. Drink warm water when ever feel thirsty
5. Take small amount of food but in regular intervals
6. Use vegetable oil for cooking food
7. Eat steam, boiled, microwave vegetables
8. Eat less salty foods, alcohol, dairy products, sugar, margarine
9. Drink skim or low fat milk
10. Prefer eating Roast, bake or boil meat and fish

Herbal Remedies for Obesity

- Take Triphala (herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki) regularly. It is an effective herbal remedy for obesity
- Shilajit and guggulu are also beneficial in reducing obesity

- Guduchi is a commonly used herb for obesity. It helps in reducing fats in the body and is very effective in weight loss. 
- Indian gooseberry (amalaki) is an effective herb for the treatment of obesity. It is an integral component of Triphala, which is also prescribed in the treatment of obesity.
- Guggulu is used in the reduction of fat accumulation in the body, giving people a leaner physique. 
- Aloe Vera herb is very beneficial in controlling obesity. 
- Mix black pepper powder in vegetable soup and vegetables. It not only enhances the flavor of your food items but also helps in controlling obesity and burning excessive fat. 
- Apple cider vinegar is also used in weight control.
-   Jujube for Obesity: The recommended recipe for the treatment of obesity with jujube is to place a handful of the jujube leaves in a cup of water and allow the leaves to soak overnight. Drink the jujube leave-infused water the next morning before you have had anything else to eat or drink. Continue this routine every night and day for at least one month. It will take that amount of time to notice a change. The jujube leaves' toning qualities should take effect and you should start to notice a more toned figure. This toned figure represents an increase in muscle and a reduction in body fat. Reduction of body fat is a key component in eliminating obesity.

Home Remedies for Obesity

Following are some of the effective home remedies for obesity:

- Eat papaya or vegetable soup as your dinner for 2-3 months if you want a quick weight loss. This works in controlling obesity. 
- Drink green tea or ginger tea as ginger is very effective in burning excessive fat in your body. 
- Mix small amount of honey and fresh ginger paste. Take this with half tablespoon guggul to control obesity. 
- Prepare a drink by adding half teaspoon fresh honey and half teaspoon fresh basil (tulsi) paste in a luke warm water. It is an effective home remedy for obesity control.
- Add half teaspoon fresh lemon juice and half teaspoon fresh honey in a luke warm water. Take this every morning with an empty stomach.
- Eat tomato in early morning as it is beneficial in keeping cholesterol level to the normal and reduce fat. 
- Horse gram is also very effective in controlling obesity. Soak 1-2 tablespoon of horse gram in a glass of water and allow it to rest overnight and take the soaked solution every morning in an empty stomach.

Do's and Don't for Obesity

Following are some of the simple tips for obesity:

- Be very careful about the food you take. It should not be oily, spicy and fatty.
- Do not be lazy. Be active and distribute your time proportionately between work, play and rest.
- Say a strict no to smoking and alcoholism. Both of these can cause severe complications in people with excess fats in their bodies.
- Exercises are must for burning fat. Do some breathing exercises and yogic asana for maintaining good shape and healthy mind. Go for morning walk everyday.
- Do sit ups and push ups as they makes your body flexible and tones the abdomen muscles, buttocks, thighs, and other body parts.
- Do not eat sweet and candy. These must be avoided at any cost.
- Do not eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates, such as rice and potatoes.
- Include food grains such as wheat, barley, sorghum and maize in your diet.
- Your food must contain at least one bitter or pungent food. This must be cooked minimally to maintain the juices intact. The bitter gourd and the bitter variety of drumstick are beneficial in this aspect.
- Avoid red meats as they have high fatty contents.
- Live stress free and be optimistic in your life.
- Eat fresh green vegetables like lauki, palak, methi, cabbage and beet.
- Eat green salad containing tomatoes and mint leaves as they are effective in burning excessive fat.
- Drink plenty of water daily. It is helpful in proper functioning of body and lead to obesity control.
- Drink cabbage juice or eat vegetable cabbage in any form. It is extremely beneficial in controlling obesity.
- Fruits like carrot, pineapple, papaya and apple are very effective in keeping you healthy and fit.
- Take luke warm water after regular lunch and dinner as it is effective for proper digestion of food and burning of excessive fat.
- Do not eat refined flour and high caloric chocolates.
- Do not eat your breakfast as this is an unhealthy habit and leads to obesity.
- Use vegetable oil like ground oil, sunflower oil in place of butter or ghee.
- Avoid excess salt in your cooking.



   Asparagus (Asparagus Officinalis), also known as sparrow grass, is a vegetable which has been grown from early times in ancient Egypt and in the Roman Empire. Because it is rare and pretentious to both growing and cooking conditions, the plant is considered to be a delicacy.

Description of Asparagus

   Asparagus is a plant which grows spontaneously in hay fields. It is cultivated in different varieties. In the earth it has a strong rhizome. The leaves are scale shaped, and the fruits are actually linear ramifications of the stems. The flowers are small, of a whitish-green color. The fruits are of red color.

Properties of Asparagus plant

   The vegetable contains phosphate and vitamin B, which gives it remineralizing and stimulating properties. Also, it has rare nutrients: copper, iron, zinc, manganese, chrome, calcium, sodium, potassium, which give it depurative, and laxative properties and make it a hepatic and renal drainer.


   Next to its qualities of being a refined vegetable, asparagus is also used in natural medicine. It is used to control some stomach affections, clean the liver, lungs and intestines of their wastes and toxins. Apart from its depurative effects, the vegetable also has a protecting action on the arteries. Consumed regularly, it prevents the development of arteriosclerosis and cleans the blood.

   For cases of physical or intellectual asthenia, anemia and convalescence, the asparagus diet is recommended, consumed in its raw state.

   Also, for treating cardio-vascular erythrism, the raw asparagus diet is recommended. Consuming this vegetable stimulates the decrease of glycosuria and increases diuresis, a reason why it is recommended to diabetics.

   The asparagus stem has the property of eliminating toxins from the digestive trap. The pulp of the asparagus stem is used, its exterior side being first cleaned.

   The asparagus root, boiled in vinegar, is used in treating paradontosis. The asparagus tea is used for its diuretic actions.


   In order for it to be consumed, the asparagus has to be very fresh. Most often it is consumed in the form of a salad. A way of preparing this salad is: the asparagus is  cleaned of fibrous threads, is washed, cut into pieces having lengths of about 4-5cm and boiled in salt water for about 20 minutes. In a bowl, the sauce formed of vinegar, oil, mustard, pepper and salt is mixed. After that the asparagus is drained and mixed with the sauce. The asparagus juice is consumed along with carrot juice, having a diuretic action.


   Asparagus is not recommended to those with affections of the urinary system - cystitis, prostatitis, and gonorrhea - and neither in cases of acute articulacy rheumatism, because of its high content of purines. 

See also:

Asparagus Asparagus spp

Common Names : 

Asparagus , Satavari

Botanical Name : 

Asparagus spp
Family : 

LILIACEAE    Lily Family

Common Uses: 

Aphrodisiac - Culinary - Kidney - Medicinal Food - Women's Tonics

Aphrodisiac- Depurative- Diuretic- Hypotensive- Refrigerant
Parts Used: 

rhizome, stem

steroidal saponins & glycosides (shatavarin, sarasapogenin, diosgenin), isoflavones, mucilage, alkaloids, asparagamine, sistosterol.

Asparagus Uses & Benefits :

There are over 300 species in the asparagus family, many are used medicinally, grown as ornaments or eaten as vegetables, the most well-known species, Asparagus officinalis, commonly referred to as just asparagus. Asparagus is a healthy vegetable and a useful diuretic and laxative. Asparagus racemosus, is the species used in India for medicinal purposes.

Asparagus How to Use

Asparagus - for : Kidney and Heart Tonic
Asparagus is a good source of vitamins C, A, B, and E. Regular consumption of this nutritious vegetable is considered tonic to all the body's systems, especially the kidneys (A gentle diuretic) and heart (lowers cholesterol).

Asparagus - for : Laxative
The virtues of Asparagus are well known as a diuretic and laxative (10)

Shatavri - for : Female Fertility and Libido
Shatavari, Asparagus racemosus, is highly regarded in Ayurveda as an herb for women's health, fertility and libido. Shatavri is an important tonic for the female reproductive systerm, and is used to treat irregular periods, for menopausal symptoms, to increase lactation, and as an aphrodisiac.
Ayurvedic Medicine

- Tastes (Rashas) : - Energy (virya): - Dosha : Vata_neutral
Known in India as Shatavari, asparagus has been a treatment for infertility and lack of libido in women for thousands of years, and is regarded as one of the most important herbal tonics for women.
Asparagus Side Effects:
Consult with a physician before using if pregnant or nursing

How to Use: Asparagus

Preparation Methods & Dosage : Teas, tinctures, and as a culinary vegetable.

History and Traditions & Folklore

It appears to have been cultivated in the time of Cato the Elder, 200 years B.C., and Pliny mentions a species that grew near Ravenna, of which three heads would weigh a pound. Asparagus is noticed by Gerard in 1597, and in 1670 forced Asparagus was supplied to the London market. The virtues of Asparagus are well known as a diuretic and laxative; and for those of sedentary habits who suffer from symptoms of gravel, it has been found very beneficial, as well as in cases of dropsy. The fresh expressed juice is taken medicinally in tablespoonful doses. 2 . There is a recipe for cooking asparagus in the oldest surviving book of recipes, Apicius�s third century AD De re coquinaria, Book III. It was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, who ate it fresh when in season and dried the vegetable for use in winter 1 The name Shatavari, refering to the species used in Ayurvedic medicine is Asparagus racemosus, is from an Indian word meaning "a woman who has a hundred husbands"

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine

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